Virtual assistant

This service is useful for small and medium-sized businesses looking to save on office and staff maintenance costs. The virtual assistant will provide the services of a professional secretary and enable your company to stay in touch with its customers around the clock, 365 days a year, without incurring additional costs for office rent, work organization or staff supervision. This is a great way to manage your business by efficiently processing all incoming customer enquiries: calls, emails, messages sent via social networks, or SMS messages.

We provide the following services:
•  Customer enquiry management via e-mail.
•  We manage Messenger and the communication platforms of other social networks;
•  We manage the comments section on Facebook and other social networks;
•  Acceptance of customer orders via electronic channels.
•  Registration of malfunctions.
•  Company documentation management.


Register for a free consultation and we will offer the best solution for your business.

Register for consultation

    More detailed information about how Increla handles your personal data is provided here.


    Multilingual system

    The distribution of enquiries through a unified system ensures that they are answered properly and in a timely manner, regardless of the channel through which they are received: telephone, e-mail, chat, or social networks.

    Speed with live chat

    Processing of enquiries received in live chat or via other communication channels "here and now".

    24/7 service

    Our contact center is open 24 hours a day - the users of our services can rest assured that their customers’ calls will be answered at any time and whenever necessary.

    Quality control

    Our implemented tools and supervisor, call recording and consultant quality assessment systems help ensure top quality customer service.


    Our statistical data processing system ensures the monitoring of managed projects, and generates real-time and historical reports on qualitative and quantitative indicators.

    Payment after the fact

    Our contact center services are charged only after the fact of the work performed and for the achieved work result, enabling service recipients to reduce their office and staff costs.