Telemarketing services

It is an effective tool for the quick sale of products or services. Our long-term experience in selling other companies' products can contribute to the implementation of your company's plans, and to the growth of your revenue and profit.

We provide the following services:
•  Customer surveys.
•  Business visits.
•  Sale of incomplete orders.
•  Up sell - cross sell service.


Register for a free consultation and we will offer the best solution for your business.

Register for consultation

    More detailed information about how Increla handles your personal data is provided here.


    Specialized team

    For sales, which is our main goal, we prepare special training programs. We have built a team of professional salespeople who can undoubtedly ensure your revenue growth.

    More time for direct activities

    The services provided by our telemarketing team will help you save resources allocated to employee retention and enable you to focus on the results of your direct activities - product development.

    Guaranteed result > 10 %

    Our many years of experience in selling other companies' products enable us to promote the advantages of the products of our service users, and ensure the agreed results.

    Quality control

    Our implemented tools and supervisor, call recording and consultant quality assessment systems ensure service monitoring for compliance in order to achieve the set result.


    Our statistical data processing system ensures real-time and historical reports on qualitative and quantitative indicators.

    Payment after the fact

    Our contact center services are charged only after the fact of the work performed and for the achieved work result, enabling service recipients to reduce their office and staff costs.